Monday, July 13, 2009

"They encircled me like bees..."

It says in Tehillim 118:12(PSalms)
"They encircled me like bees; they were extinguished like a thorn fire; in the name of the Lord that I shall cut them off."
סבוני כדבורים, דועכו כאש קוצים - בשם ה’ כי אמילם.
(originally heard on Referring to the end of days , King David, over 3000 yrs ago, writes how Israel's enemies will encirle them and it goes on to compare the enemies to bees. What is this odd comparrison to bees? Why not say like lions, Tigers, or Bears? Rashi explains: Just as bees sting and immediately die. So too they will strike and immediately die. An apparent prophetic allusion to "suicide bombers". A method of war which is very popular among the enemies of Israel.
And to end on a good note, the end of the passage is clear: "they were extinguished like a thorn fire; in the name of the Lord that I shall cut them off."

"This psalm expresses gratitude and confidence. Just as David himself was catapulted from his personal straits to a reign marked by accomplishment and glory, so too Israel can look forward ro Divine redemption from the straits of exile and oppression."(The Artscroll Tehillim: chapter 118)


  1. Wow. Never taught about that.

  2. It's worthwhile to note that Rashi in Parshat D'varim makes the same comment, specifically in connection with the war waged on those who tried to enter the land after cheit hameraglim.

    So the reference to bees, while relevant, is not necessarily a prophetic allusion to suicide bombers, but rather may have been relevant in David's time as well.
